The brief was to make the already existing packaging more contemporary and modern. I decided to keep the two cubs but execute them in a more modern way. The bottle is very clean with the name and wine description in gold and the cubs in a colour that reflected the taste of the wine ie. plum for the fruity and warm red blend, green for the fresh, crisp and zesty white blend and a dirty pink for the sweeter rose. To show the playfulness of the cubs I decided to have them separate and not both on one big label, so that from any angle you could see both, and it almost seemed as though they were constantly playing.
This ad had a basic concept. An anti roll crayon wouldn't roll off the table and break so by making it stop something else from rolling, we simply exagerated the point. My copywriter Jaques Laubscher and I won a Bronze Loerie for the VW Beetle one.
We were asked to create a design for the bags, using the line 'For the love of Books'. This design was for the generic bag. I shot a selection of books in various lighting and then created this crest of books.
The brief was to create a design for the Woolworth's hessian shopping bag. We had two designs, the first was type based and the second was the watering can print. The watering can could be done in any colour to reflect season, or a holiday ie. pink for Mother's Day, green for Spring. We then thought a nice add on to this bag would be the pin on flowers that were made of Woolworth's material off-cuts and odd buttons. These could be for sale at pay points, and the money could be donated to a charity or organization.
We were briefed to create the packaging for this brandy. The client wanted to show the heritage but with a slighty more modern approach. I created the crest for the logo using a selection of elements that reflected the era we were trying to convey, and old wagon wheels which i repeated to create the pattern I used for the strip on the bottle and at the bottom of the box.
These print ads are very light hearted to suit the tone of Pringles. Basically, if you've ever eaten a Pringle you know they are almost perfectly bite size. What we did was simply change the size of the mouth to be better suited to the mini Pringle - Pringles Mini. MIni mouthfuls.